Critical Challenge Ahead:

Transforming the Iron and Steel Industry

Today's main way of making iron and steel remains the blast furnace. The challenge of blast furnace based iron and steel making is that large amounts of CO2 are released into the atmosphere during the process:
For each ton of finished steel, more than 2,000 kg of CO2 are emitted.

With total global steel production expected to exceed 2bn tons of finished steel per year by 2030, blast furnace based iron and steel making is not sustainable.

Our Solution 1:

DRI & Green Hydrogen

An alternative to blast furnace based iron and steel making is the so called Direct Reduced Iron (DRI). In the DRI process, iron ore is deoxidized in a reactor under high pressure with natural gas. This results in lower CO2 emissions. 

In Danieli’s modern Energiron technology which we are using, CO2 emissions can be further reduced if natural gas is replaced by green hydrogen.

The challenge of green hydrogen is its cost. Even if powered by the most efficient renewable energy source, the full use of green hydrogen in the DRI process leads to an increase of more than 300 USD per ton of steel. 

Therefore, we are taking the use of green hydrogen one step at a time. Our initial target is to use up to 25% of green hydrogen in the DRI process.

Our Solution 2:

EAF & Renewables

Steel melting is one of the most energy intensive processes around the world. Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF) which melt scrap steel and/ or direct reduced iron from the DRI, require vast amounts of electricity.

Electricity from renewable energy sources is CO2 neutral. Therefore, in combination with our steel project, we are developing large scale renewable energy farms together with our partners. Our renewable energy farms (solar & wind) will produce the equivalent amount of electricity that we need for steel making in the EAF process. Our steel making will be CO2 neutral.

Steel melting is one of the most energy intensive processes around the world. Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF) which melt scrap steel and/ or direct-reduced iron from the DRI, require vast amounts of electricity.

Electricity from renewable energy sources is CO2 neutral. Therefore, in combination with our steel project, we are developing large scale renewable energy farms together with our partners. Our renewable energy farms (solar & wind) will produce the equivalent amount of electricity that we need for steel making in the EAF process. Our steel making will be CO2 neutral.

Illustration of Meranti Green Steel plant in Rayong, Thailand – The first flat green steel plant in South East Asia

Significance of CO2 Reduction

through Gradual Transition

In the pursuit of environmental and economic sustainability, we will be gradually increasing the share of green hydrogen used in our DRI process. Our goal is to ultimately achieve near zero CO2 emissions.

We strongly believe that we can do it, together with our partners with whom we share the same vision. Join us as we create a world where development and nature can be in balance.

In the pursuit of environmental and economic sustainability, we will be gradually increasing the share of green hydrogen used in our DRI process. Our goal is to ultimately achieve near zero CO2 emissions.

We strongly believe that we can do it, together with our partners with whom we share the same vision.
Join us as we create a world where development and nature can be in balance.

Achieving a 70% Reduction

in Steel CO2 Emissions with Green Hydrogen and Renewables

In an initial stage, with the use of up to 25% green hydrogen in the DRI process and renewable energy for steelmaking, we will achieve less than 600 kg of CO2 per ton of steel. This is a reduction by more than 70% compared to blast furnace based iron and steel making. 

In an initial stage, with the use of up to 25% green hydrogen in the DRI process and renewable energy for steel making, we will achieve less than 600 kg of CO2 per ton of steel. This is a reduction by more than 70% compared to blast furnace based iron and steel making. 

In an initial stage, with the use of up to 25% green hydrogen in the DRI process and renewable energy for steelmaking, we will achieve less than 600 kg of CO2 per ton of steel. This is a reduction by more than 70% compared to blast furnace based iron and steel making. 

Unveiling the 90% CO2 Reduction Impact

of Green Hydrogen on Steel Production

Once we have fully transitioned to green hydrogen in the DRI process, we will emit less than 150 kg of CO2 per ton of steel. This is a reduction of more than 90% compared to blast furnace based iron and steel making. 

Once we have fully transitioned to green hydrogen in the DRI process, we will emit less than 150 kg of CO2 per ton of steel. This a reduction of more than 90% compared to blast furnace based iron and steel making. 

Showcasing Green Steel as a Game-Changer

for Carbon Emissions

Our green steel will thereby help to save nearly 4 million tons of CO2 annually.

That is equivalent to: 

Planting 200 million Trees a year

A forest as large as the wider Bangkok area

Neutralizing all CO2 emitted annually

by all private vehicle traffic in Singapore

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